Metronome coin - A new Cryptocurrency

Metronome, fondly called the ‘built to last’ cryptocurrency is the latest addition to the new age currency that rocketed off with the launch of bitcoins in 2009. 

“Self Governance, Reliability, Portability “
The motto with which the designers built the coin gives a certain promise to the users that none its counterparts have managed to give. Since cryptocurrency is the most trending, cryptocurrency promotion also became an inevitable part of crypto coins. This will help to promote your newly developed cryptocurrency.

What is Metronome?
The idea of Metronome was conceived on 3rd January 2017 by the Bitcoin alumnus, Bloq Blockchain firm who claimed the coin to be free of the threats and the developer drama that bitcoin faced. 

The first series of coins were launched in December that year and were auctioned off to the buyers. This was quite different from the conventional method of buying cryptocurrency wherein a miner uses a pile of data to extract coins and make them available to the public to be purchased.

Metronome is the new age cryptocurrency that has the highest decentralisation possible and gift its users peak endurance.

Another notable aspect is that Metronome is the first cryptocurrency to be imported and exported across blockchains.

Why Metronome?
Metronome is probably the only token that sticks to its promise of enhanced portability. It is the only cross-chain monetary system that will empower people to send and receive tokens from one blockchain to the other. 


Coalesced with an array of interesting features, Metronome token showcases its core design principles mentioned above.
  • As we discussed above, Metronome is not mined , but auctioned off on its website. This ensures that developers have no influence over the tokens post the launch. This in turn eliminates any possibilities any discord or disagreement between the developers affecting the token. All of us familiar with the bitcoin drama,aren’t we? We would not want that to happen again!
  • All Metronome tokens are sold by auction and the public has complete access to these sales. 
  • The price of the tokens are determined by the descending price auction and the creators have no control over it whatsoever.
  • The auction date is informed beforehand on the website and the supply of tokens is quite predictable.
  • The pubic is assured of its availability and issuance, imparting a sense of reliability to the whole system.

  • The import and export across blockchains imparts a great deal of portability to the system.
  • This in turn eliminates management issues and instability.
  • Extensive portability allows the users to exit from the chain for whatever reason they may have.

Where is Metronome currently available?
Being able to export and import cross blockchains, Metronome is currently issued on Ethereum with Ethereum Classic, Rootstock on Bitcoin and Qtum.This gives the buyers a choice to select the chain that suits their needs regarding security and management.

Future of Metronome tokens
In Cryptocurrency development, the founders have developed MET with the vision of ‘build to last, there are a couple of points of failure with the token. The founders have absolutely no control over the token post its launch. This can ensure self governance but there is also a possibility of the developers being helpless in case of any issue post release. 

The possibility of chain mutability and contract attacks can cause a concern in terms of how secure the token is in real. Altogether we can say that cryptocurrency is a long term investment. For more about Investing in most popular Cryptocurrency 2018

Though there are some shortcomings post the initial release, there is no denial of the fact that Metronome token has managed to fare way better than other popular cryptocurrencies in the market. The inventors will definitely come up with innovations to cover up the flaws of the current version of the token and we shall be on a lookout for it.

For now, we can undoubtedly say that it has managed to outpass all the expectations of digital currencies and reinvented the concepts of cryptocurrency with the best of the available technologies. 

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